Parents like you know the benefits of music education…..

…but where to begin? There are so many resources and tools available, sometimes it’s hard to know the best place to start. As a music teacher, I am constantly on the lookout for tools and activities for parents who understand the effects of music in early childhood. I hope you’ll enjoy the content I’ve put together each month!

Enjoying Classical Music

Want your child to hear more classical music and learn to love it? Here’s a brilliant and fun idea. Use classical tunes as a background soundtrack for some fun and exiting picture books!

This list gives you a storybook and a classical piece to pair with it!

Enjoy your little maestro in the making!


How to Read Music

Ted Ed gives you a five minute lesson on the art of reading music! Whether you are a musician yet or not, this video is charming and fun.


Start With Singing!

Are you excited for your child to become a musician and perform amazing pieces on the piano, cello, trumpet or all three? Great! Let’s get started with singing. Wait, what!? That’s right. Singing will really set the stage for learning and excelling on any instrument. Find out why in this post: Why singing is fundamental to all musical ability.

Sharing student success!

Here’s what my students are learning in music classes this month.

4-6 year olds: These kiddos are confidently playing chords on the autoharp to accompany our singing class.

5-7 year olds: I love seeing my 2nd Year students play some of the same songs, but now on their keyboards. Their rhythm and ear training for chord transitions was trained long before their fingers got to work.

6-8 year olds: These little musicians are working hard too, learning some complicated piano repertoire with nice dynamics.

Click on the icons below to learn about the programs I teach in my studio. 


Want a spot in my class?

I’m currently enrolling 4-6 year olds for next fall. Email me if you are ready to grab a remaining spot on the list.